Vom 01. bis zum 02. Juli hat nun schon zum zweiten Mal die ComicCon Germany in den Stuttgarter Messehallen 1 und 3 wie auch dem Atrium und dem Rothaus Park stattgefunden.
Auf über 45 000 qm können mehr als 50 000 Comicfans, Film- bzw. TV-Nerds, Gamer und Cosplayer ihre Interessen ausleben und viel Spaß haben.
Die Logistik des Con-Teams ist im Allgemeinen sehr gut. Man merkt, dass die Veranstalter schon über 20 Jahre Erfahrungen gesammelt haben.
Seit dem letzten Jahr gibt es einige Veränderungen. Vom Veranstalter ist eine neue Aufteilung der Bereiche vorgenommen worden. Im letzten Jahr hat das meiste Programm in Halle 1 stattgefunden. In diesem Jahr teilt es sich auf Halle 1 und 3 auf. Im hinteren Abschnitt der Halle 3 und im Atrium finden die in diesem Jahr kostenlosen!!! Panels statt. Die Autogramme werden an fünf Stationen von je vier Schauspielern an den Außenrändern der Halle 3 geschrieben. Ebenfalls am Rand können in zwei Bereichen die Photosessions mit den Stars stattfinden und es gibt ein paar Essensstände. In der „Mitte“ der Halle 3 sind Händler, die German Garrisson zusammen mit den Prospectors aus Belgien und Merchandising zum Thema „Film und Fernsehen“ zu finden.
In der Halle 1 finden die Con-Besucher die Comic Arena mitsamt Zeichnerallee, Comic Bühne, Cosplay Bereich (incl. Cos-Repair-Station), Merchandising, Essensstände, einer „Lego Erlebniswelt“ und weitere Attraktionen. Insgesamt ist die Durchmischung der Angebote sehr gelungen. So gibt es in den beiden Hallen und dem Rothaus-Park überall Essensstände. Die Auswahl ist groß und die Preise angemessen. Jedoch gibt es nur wenig Sitzplätze. Überall gibt es Merchandise- bzw. Verkaufsorte. All dies garantiert Abwechslung. Zum 20. Geburtstag von Panini werden zehntausende kostenlose Comics auf dem Messegelände verteilt.
Das Atrium ist ein wunderbarer Ort für die Panels. Es ist ein lichtdurchfluteter großer Saal und hinter der Bühne mäandert Wasser Kaskaden hinunter. Die Zuschauer können von der Gallerie, großen Sitzstufen oder vom bestuhlten Bereich vor der Bühne überall gut sehen. Und man ist seinem Star recht nah. Einzig die Warteschlange vor dem Geldautomaten im Sichtbereich der Zuschauer stört ein wenig.
Gegen Mittag wird es voll. Gerade in der Halle 1 – Comics, Händler und Cosplay – kommt man kaum noch durch die Gänge. Aber durch die Klimaanlage ist die Luft immer angenehm kühl.
Die Schauspieler sind beim Autogramme schreiben gut gelaunt. Ricky Whittle (u.a. American Gods) umarmt und herzt alle Fans. Herbert Jefferson Jr. (Battlestar Galactica) nimmt sich extra Zeit, um mit Kindern Quatsch zu machen. Die Schlange von Dirk Benedict (Battlestar Galactica und A-Team) ist so lang, dass sogar ein extra Wartebereich eingerichtet wird.
Leider ist es in Halle 3 zu Hochzeiten aus dem Panelbereich so laut, dass man sich nur schlecht mit den Stars unterhalten kann. Eine Lösung wäre, den Autogrammbereiche weiter von dem Panels weg zu verlegen.
Im Bereich der German Garrisson und der Prospectors aus Belgien wird eine Erlebniswelt präsentiert mit den unterschiedlichsten nachgestellten Szenen aus Star Wars. Zum Beispiel kann man sich unterhalb von Jabba the Hutt hinlegen oder sich in den Stuhl des Imperators setzen. Dort kann man dann auch gemeinsam mit den German Garrisson Darstellern fotografiert werden.
Beim Panel in Halle 3 zum neuen europäischen Science-Fiction Films „Valerian – Stadt der tausend Planeten“ zeigt Virginie Besson-Silla, Ehefrau des Regisseurs Luc Bessons und Produzentin des Films, exklusiv 8 Minuten des Films sowie einige Trailer und Making Offs und steht danach für Fragen und Antworten zum Film zur Verfügung. Sie rät den Publikum, sich den Film in einem guten Kino in 3D anzuschauen.
Bei den anderen Panels genießen die Schauspieler die Aufmerksamkeit auf der Bühne. Sie versuchen, das Publikum gut zu unterhalten und die mehr oder weniger guten Fragen der Zuschauer interessant zu beantworten.
Beim A-Team/Battlestar Galactica Panel mit Herbert Jefferson Jr. und Dirk Benedict gehen die meisten Fragen an Dirk, der eine Schirmmütze aus den 70er Jahren trägt und einiges „Lob“ dafür bekommt. Er würde seine alten A-Team Kollegen immer wieder auf Conventions treffen und sie wären wie eine Familie. Auf die Frage, ob ihm seine Rollenbesetzung im neuen A-Team gefiele, antwortet er ironisch Bradley Cooper sei nicht so gutaussehend wie er selbst.
Judge Reinhold und John Ashton (beide Beverly Hills Cop I-III) erzählen von den Dreharbeiten mit Eddie Murphy, der sie andauernd zum Lachen gebracht hat, da er pausenlos und unabgesprochen improvisiert hätte. Viele dieser Szenen haben es dann in den Film geschafft und zur lustigen Stimmung der Komödie beigetragen. Die beiden Urgesteine finden es auch ein wenig komisch im 30. Jubiläumsjahr von Beverly Hills Cop 2 immer noch auf Conventions oft im Doppelpack über diesen Kultfilm zu reden.
Die Photosessions laufen routiniert und weitgehend reibungslos ab. Nur bei der Beschilderung ist manchmal nicht ganz klar, welcher Star gerade vor der Kamera steht, hier ist dann doch ein Blick ins Programmheft notwendig.
Die Preise sind „Con-gemäß“ aber nicht übermäßig überteuert. Auch für kleines Geld gibt es ein Foto oder ein Autogramm (siehe Liste unten).
Das Angebot an Toiletten ist sehr gut. An vielen Stellen sind sie schnell erreichbar und überwiegend sauber.
Der Rothaus Park lädt zum Ausruhen, Essen und zum Fotografieren der zahlreichen Cosplayer ein.
Der Themenbereich Manga in Halle 1 ist groß und auch in den Comics präsent. In der Comic Arena kann man sich in einer Zeichnerallee von zahlreichen Künstlern Zeichnungen machen lassen. Die Cosplayer sind überall in der Halle anzutreffen und laden mit innovativen und farbenfrohen Kostümen zum Fotografieren ein. Der Legobereich ist größer als im letzten Jahr und beeindruckt ebenfalls mit unvorstellbarer Kreativität. Ein Bereich mit Games- und Merchandise bietet dem Besucher kurzweilige Zerstreuung.
Das Atrium ist abends zum Cosplay Contest komplett gefüllt. Viele Cosplayer zeigen dem begeisterten Publikum und einer Jury ihre aufwändigen Kostüme bzw. zur Musik eine kleine passende Vorführung. Der Abend klingt dann bei einer kleinen Feier aus – der zweite Contag steht schon vor der Tür.
Die Comic Con Germany 2018 findet vom 30.06. bis 01.07.2018 wieder in Stuttgart statt.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Casper Crump, DC: Legends of Tomorrow actor, signing autographs at Comic Con Stuttgart
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actor Judge Reinhold (Beverly Hills Cop) meeting fans and signing autographs at Comic Con Stuttgart
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actor John Ashton (Beverly Hills Cop) meeting fans and signing autographs at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actor John Ashton (Beverly Hills Cop) meeting fans and signing autographs at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actor Judge Reinhold (Beverly Hills Cop) meeting fans and signing autographs at Comic Con Stuttgart
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actor Judge Reinhold (Beverly Hills Cop) meeting fans and signing autographs at Comic Con Stuttgart
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actor Judge Reinhold (Beverly Hills Cop) meeting fans and signing autographs at Comic Con Stuttgart
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actress Jennifer Blanc-Biehn (Dark Angel) at Comic Con.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actor Kevin Sorbo (Xena: Warrior Princess, Andromeda) during his Comic Con panel. Comic Con Stuttgart
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actor Kevin Sorbo (Xena: Warrior Princess, Andromeda) during his Comic Con panel. Comic Con Stuttgart
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. David Dastmalchian at Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. David Dastmalchian at Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Casper Crump, DC: Legends of Tomorrow actor, signing autographs at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany.Falk Herschel, DC: Legends of Tomorrow actor, signing autographs at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Valene Kane, Lyra Erso in Star Wars: Rogue One, taking a short break from signing autographs at Comic Con
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Herbert Jefferson, Jr (A-Team) meeting a fan at Comic Con Stuttgart
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Virginie Besson-Silla, wife of Luc Besson and producer of the 2017 movie VALERIAN presents exclusive footage of Valerian at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Virginie Besson-Silla, wife of Luc Besson and producer of the 2017 movie VALERIAN presents exclusive footage of Valerian at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Virginie Besson-Silla, wife of Luc Besson and producer of the 2017 movie VALERIAN presents exclusive footage of Valerian at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Virginie Besson-Silla, wife of Luc Besson and producer of the 2017 movie VALERIAN presents exclusive footage of Valerian at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Valene Kane, Lyra Erso in Star Wars: Rogue One, signing autographs at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Sculptor legend Beian Muir at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Sculptor legend Beian Muir at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actors Dirk Benedict and Herbert Jefferson, Jr. during their "A-Team" panel at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actors Dirk Benedict and Herbert Jefferson, Jr. during their "A-Team" panel at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actors Dirk Benedict and Herbert Jefferson, Jr. during their "A-Team" panel at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actors Dirk Benedict and Herbert Jefferson, Jr. during their "A-Team" panel at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actors Dirk Benedict and Herbert Jefferson, Jr. during their "A-Team" panel at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actors Dirk Benedict and Herbert Jefferson, Jr. during their "A-Team" panel at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actors Dirk Benedict and Herbert Jefferson, Jr. during their "A-Team" panel at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actors Dirk Benedict and Herbert Jefferson, Jr. during their "A-Team" panel at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actors Dirk Benedict and Herbert Jefferson, Jr. during their "A-Team" panel at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actors Dirk Benedict and Herbert Jefferson, Jr. during their "A-Team" panel at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actors Dirk Benedict and Herbert Jefferson, Jr. during their "A-Team" panel at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actors Dirk Benedict and Herbert Jefferson, Jr. during their "A-Team" panel at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actors Dirk Benedict and Herbert Jefferson, Jr. during their "A-Team" panel at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actors Dirk Benedict and Herbert Jefferson, Jr. during their "A-Team" panel at Comic Con Stuttgart.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Actors Falk Hentschel and Caspar Crump had fun during their DC Legends of Tomorrow panel at Comic Con.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Actors Falk Hentschel and Caspar Crump had fun during their DC Legends of Tomorrow panel at Comic Con.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Actors Falk Hentschel and Caspar Crump had fun during their DC Legends of Tomorrow panel at Comic Con.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Actors Falk Hentschel and Caspar Crump had fun during their DC Legends of Tomorrow panel at Comic Con.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Actors Falk Hentschel and Caspar Crump had fun during their DC Legends of Tomorrow panel at Comic Con.
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Swedish actor Gustaf Skarsgard (Vikings) during his panel at Comic Con
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Swedish actor Gustaf Skarsgard (Vikings) during his panel at Comic Con
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Beverly Hills Cop panel with John Ashton and Judge Reinhold at Comic Con. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Beverly Hills Cop panel with John Ashton and Judge Reinhold at Comic Con. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Beverly Hills Cop panel with John Ashton and Judge Reinhold at Comic Con. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Beverly Hills Cop panel with John Ashton and Judge Reinhold at Comic Con. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Beverly Hills Cop panel with John Ashton and Judge Reinhold at Comic Con. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Beverly Hills Cop panel with John Ashton and Judge Reinhold at Comic Con. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US actor Ricky Whittle (American Gods, The 100) joking around and loving to meet fans at Comic Con Stuttgart
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Actor Demore Barnes (American Gods, 12 Monkeys) at Comic Con. Comic Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. John Barrowman (Torchwood, Doctor Who) signing autographs at Comic Con. Comic Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany.Hall 1 (Comics) at Comic Con. Comic Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Italian comic artist Pasquale Qualano. Comic Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. .US comic artist Stephanie Gladden (Simpsons, Bongo Comics). Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. .US comic artist Stephanie Gladden (Simpsons, Bongo Comics). Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US comic artist Phil Noto (Marvel, Civial Wars II, Chewbacca). Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. US comic artist Phil Noto (Marvel, Civial Wars II, Chewbacca). Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Brasil comic artist Joe Prado at Comic-Con. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Brasil comic artist Joe Prado at Comic-Con. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. . Jan Gulbransson (Disney Artist, Die Ducks in Deutschland) . Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. . Jan Gulbransson (Disney Artist, Die Ducks in Deutschland) . Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Joscha Sauer (Nichtlustig) signing at Comic Con. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Comics at Comic-Con. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Valene Kane, Lyra Erso in Star Wars: Rogue One. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Valene Kane, Lyra Erso in Star Wars: Rogue One. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Valene Kane, Lyra Erso in Star Wars: Rogue One. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Valene Kane, Lyra Erso in Star Wars: Rogue One. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Evil Ted at Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplay contest at Comic-Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplayers at Comic Con. Comic Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplayers at Comic Con. Comic Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplayers at Comic Con Stuttgart. Comic-Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplayers at Comic Con. Comic Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
July 1st 2017. Stuttgart, Germany. Cosplayers at Comic Con. Comic Con Stuttgart invites fans and cos-players to meet celebrities and comic artists in panels, Q&As, photo and signing sessions
Die Stars der Comic Con 2017 (dahinter Autogrammpreise, wenn bekannt)
Gustaf Skarsgard – 30€
Judge Reinhold – 30€
Natalia Cordova-Buckley – 25€
Demore Barnes – 20€
Ricky Whittle – 35€
Valene Kane – 20€
James Morrison 20€
Casper Crump – 25€
Falk Hentschel – 25€
John Barrowman – 50€
Jennifer Blanc-Biehn – 15€
John Ashton – 20€
Kevin Sorbo – 25€
Herbert Jefferson Jr. – 20€
Michael Biehn – 30€
Dirk Benedict – 35€
David Dastmalchian – 20€
Comic Artists
Tom Bancroft
Werner Maresta
Eddy Barrows
J. Sauer & H. Hörnig
Mario Bühling
Martin Frei
Marco Castiello
David Lopez
H. Hörnig & M. Pawlitza
Joe Prado
Thorsten Brochhaus
Daniela Schreiter
Sebastian Drewniok
Pasquale Qualano
Rebekah Isaacs
Michael Feldmann
Stephanie Gladden
Marc Blinn
Phil Noto
Brian Muir
Jan Gulbransson
Text: Tobias Böhm, Fotos: Markus Wissmann