Wer wissen möchte, wo Otto Waalkes (*22. Juli 1948 in Emden) am 1. Juni im Kelkheimer Plenarsaal ist, muss nur nach der Menschentraube Ausschau halten. Hunderte interessierte Menschen jeden Alters, Fotografen, Zeitungs- und Fernsehreporter und natürlich die Käufer seiner Bilder möchten ein kurzes Selfi, ein kleines Gespräch oder ein Autogramm von ihm ergattern. Geduldig und immer freundlich steht er für Fotos bereit oder zieht seinen Edding aus der Hemdtasche und malt mit routiniertem Strich einen Ottifanten auf ein herbei gereichtes Bild, Buch oder Foto. Dabei hat er sich zuvor schon viele lobende Worte bei Ansprachen der Politiker von Stadt und Land über sich angehört.
Sein künstlerisches Leben ohne Bilder scheint allgemein bekannt. Sein Musik- und Comedyprogramm auf der Bühne (Hallo Echo – hallo Otto….), seine Filmkarriere als Schauspieler und Regisseur (Otto der Film, 7 Zwerge…) oder als Synchronsprecher (Mulan, Ice Age).
Über sein künstlerisches Leben mit Bildern weiß man weniger. Ähnlich wie sein alter WG Kollege Udo Lindenberg hatte er schon immer eine Affinität zum Malen. Nach dem Abitur studierte er Kunstpädagogik an der Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg, finanziert durch seine Musik- und Comedy-Auftritte in kleinen Clubs. Seine Bühnenshow wurde jedoch immer erfolgreicher – seine Kunst ließ es in den Hintergrund treten.
Heute jedoch hat sich das geändert und er nimmt sich wieder Zeit fürs Malen. „(Er) schafft Bilder im unverwechselbaren Otto-Stil. Dabei hat er die Bildwerdung seines genialen Wortwitz, Karikaturen seiner Filme und Sketche sowie Hommagen und Parodien auf Werke bekannter Künstler zu seinen Motiven auserkoren.Und bei allem darf sein Markenzeichen – der Ottifant – nicht fehlen“ (Flyer Galerie am Dom).
Bis zum 25. Juni (Mi bis So, 15 – 18 Uhr) ist die Ausstellung noch eröffnet. Die Kelkheimer Stadtverordnetenversammlung wird zwischenzeitlich unter Ottos Werken tagen. Welche Ehre.
Mehr Infos unter: www.galerie-am-dom.de und www.ottifant.de.
Fotos: Markus Wissmann
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017
Kelkheim, Germany. 1st Jun, 2017. Otto Waalkes, German comedian, singer, painter, exhibition opening. The exhibition will be from June 2nd - June 25th 2017