Gerade einmal 8 Tage ist es her, da endete die weltgrößte Literaturmesse mit der Übergabe der Gastrolle von Frankreich an Georgien, begleitet von einem stimmungsvollen Live-Auftritt von Katie Melua.
Generell war die Frankfurter Buchmesse dieses Jahr mit sehr viel Prominenz versehen: Von der Eröffnungsfeier mit Frankreichs President Emmanuel Macron und Angela Merkel höchstpersönlich, dem Besuch von Königin Mathilde der Belgier über Politprominenz über alle Parteien hinweg (Renate Künast, Martin Schulz, Gregor Gysi – um nur einige zu nennen) bis zu Literaturgrößen wie Dan Brown, Salman Rushdie, Ken Follett, Paula Hawkins, Cecelia Ahern, Jean Marie Gustave Le Clezio, Daniel Kehlmann, Jan Weiler, Sebastian Fitzek. Fantasy-Autoren wie Jennifer L. Armentrout und Cassandra Clare waren am Messewochenende stark gefragt, teils mussten sogar Autogrammstunden abgebrochen werden, weil der Andrang zu gross war – trotz stundenlanger Wartezeit der zahlreichen Fans.
Auch Musik war dieses Jahr reichlich vertreten: Buchveröffentlichungen von Brian May (Queen), Till Lindemann (Rammstein) und Joey Kelly, Roberto Blanco, Lukas Rieger und natürlich Udo Lindenberg – der auf der Messe mit einem Live-Konzert mit Überraschungsgast Daniel Wirtz begeisterte – bereicherten die Buchmesse.
Comic-Fans kamen mit ausgedehnten Autogrammstunden von Jean-Claude Mezieres (Valerian), Yoann (Spirou et Fantasio), Jan Gulbransson und Arild Midthun (beide Disney) auf ihre Kosten – und auch das neue Asterix-Team, Didier Conrad und Jean-Yves Ferri, waren vor Ort.
Wie fandet ihr die Buchmesse dieses Jahr? Lasst es uns in den Kommentaren wissen!
Nachfolgend unsere Fotostrecke mit einigen der Promi-Highlights:
Ulrich Wickert arriving on the red carpet for the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Dunja Hayali arriving on the red carpet for the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Jim Rakete, Star-Fotograf
Princess Claire and Prince Felix of Luxembourg arriving on the red carpet for the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Monika Grütters and Can Dündar arriving on the red carpet for the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Ronja von Rönne and Friedrich Liechtenstein arriving on the red carpet for the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Sebastian Kochi arriving on the red carpet for the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Pegah Ferydoni arriving on the red carpet for the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Burghart Klaussner arriving on the red carpet for the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Johann von Bülow arriving on the red carpet for the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Mario Draghi arriving on the red carpet for the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Olaf Scholz arriving on the red carpet for the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Ranga Yogeshwar arriving on the red carpet for the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Maria Furtwängler arriving on the red carpet for the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Maria Furtwängler arriving on the red carpet for the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Judith Rosmair on the red carpet for the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017 opening ceremony
Red carpet for the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017 , Group photo
Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017 opening ceremony
Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017 opening ceremony
Jean Marie Gustave Le Clezio, author, Prix des cinq continents de la Francophonie, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Yamen Manai, tunesian writer, Prix des cinq continents de la Francophonie, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Prix des cinq continents de la Francophonie Jury, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Denis Scheck, German literary critic and journalist at the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Robert Menasse, Austrian writer, being interviewed at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Ken Follett, international press conference at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Ken Follett, international press conference at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Bernard Pivot, french journalist, at the Prix Goncourt Prix Goncourt panel at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Leila Slimani, writer, at the Prix Goncourt panel at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Leila Slimani & Bernard Pivot at the Prix Goncourt panel, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Catherine Millet, art critic and curator, at the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Maria Furtwängler (* 1966), german actress, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Amelie Nothomb, belgian writer, reading & signing in Hugendubel Frankfurt / Main, Germany
Daniel Kehlmann, german/austrian writer, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Cao Wenxuan, chinese childrens author, at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Yasmin Fahimi, german politician (SPD), preparing for a panel with Per Molander at the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Dan Brown presents his newest book 'Origin' at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt
Dan Brown presents his newest book 'Origin' at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt
Brian May, Queen quitarist, presents the german edition of 'Queen in 3D' at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Brian May, Queen quitarist, presents the german edition of 'Queen in 3D' at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Brian May, Queen quitarist, presents the german edition of 'Queen in 3D' at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Brian May, Queen quitarist, presents the german edition of 'Queen in 3D' at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Brian May, Queen quitarist, presents the german edition of 'Queen in 3D' at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Martin Schulz, german politician (SPD), at the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Ulrich Kienzle during an interview at the Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Queen Mathilde of Belgium visiting the Frankfurt Bookfair
Queen Mathilde of Belgium visiting the Frankfurt Bookfair
Queen Mathilde of Belgium visiting the Frankfurt Bookfair
Queen Mathilde of Belgium visiting the Frankfurt Bookfair
Queen Mathilde of Belgium visiting the Frankfurt Bookfair
Queen Mathilde of Belgium visiting the Frankfurt Bookfair
Peter Nadas, hungarian author, at 'Blaues Sofa', Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Peter Nadas, hungarian author, at 'Blaues Sofa', Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Salman Rushdie, novelist, at 'Blaues Sofa' regarding his book 'The Golden House', Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Salman Rushdie, novelist, signing copies of 'The Golden House', Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Anselm Grün, padre, with Ton Schulten, painter, at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Andrea Nahles (* 1970), german politician (SPD), Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Can Dündar, turkish writer and journalist, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Jan Weiler, german author at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
John Burnside, scottish writer, at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Arild Midthun, norwegian disney artist, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Joscha Sauer, german cartoonist, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Axel Hacke, journalist, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
European Lab panel, Guest of Honor 2017, at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Gregor Gysi, politician and author, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Gregor Gysi, politician and author, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Johann Lafer, chef, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Markus Heitz, writer, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Sebastian Fitzek, writer, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Veit Etzold, writer, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Reinhold Messner, moutaineer & explorer, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Renate Künast, politician, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Claudia Michelsen, german actress, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Leila Slimani, writer, at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Franz Müntefering, german politician SPD, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Paula Hawkins, british writer, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Katharina Saalfrank, best known as 'Die Super Nanny', Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Steffen Henssler, chef and tv host, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Jan Weiler, german author at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Martin Sonneborn, german comedian, politician and founder of 'Die Partei' Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Yoann alias Yoann Chivard, comic artist, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Christof Wackernagel, actor, author, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Udo Lindenberg/Tine Acke present 'Stärker als die Zeit' picture book at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Udo Lindenberg/Tine Acke present 'Stärker als die Zeit' picture book at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Udo Lindenberg live concert performance at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Udo Lindenberg live concert performance at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Udo Lindenberg live concert performance at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Udo Lindenberg live concert performance at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Udo Lindenberg live concert performance at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Udo Lindenberg live concert performance at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Udo Lindenberg live concert performance at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Udo Lindenberg live concert performance at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Udo Lindenberg live concert performance at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Cecelia Ahern, irish writer, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Gregoire Hervier, french writer, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Yamen Manai, tunesian writer, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Jean-Claude Mezieres, french comic artist, Valerian & Veronique, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Jean-Claude Mezieres, french comic artist, Valerian & Veronique, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Jean-Yves Ferri, Asterix comic book writer, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Denis Scheck, Jean-Yves Ferri, Didier Conrad - Asterix Panel, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Ulla Hahn, german writer, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Rolf Dobelli, swiss writer, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Harald Glööckler, fashion designer and author, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Harald Glööckler, fashion designer and author, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Till Lindenmann (Rammstein) and Joey Kelly (The Kelly Family) at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Markus Pfister, swiss childrens author - Der Regenbogenfisch - at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Nicholas Sparks, US writer, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Roberto Blanco, singer/actor, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Paul Maar, german childrens author, presenting Das Sams feiert Weihnachten, at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Cassandra Clare, writer, signing books at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Jean-Claude Mezieres, french comic artist, Valerian & Veronique, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Jean-Claude Mezieres, french comic artist, Valerian & Veronique, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Jean-Claude Mezieres, french comic artist, Valerian & Veronique, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Hans de Beer, writer and illustrator for children books (The Little Polar Bear) Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Dietrich Faber (* 1969), german comedian and author, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Jennifer L. Armentrout, US bestselling writer, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Adele Neuhauser, actress, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Lukas Rieger, singer, at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Lukas Rieger, singer, at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Lukas Rieger, singer, at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Lukas Rieger, singer, at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
funnypilgrim, YouTube celebrity, signing copies of 'YummyKitchen' at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
funnypilgrim, YouTube celebrity, signing copies of 'YummyKitchen' at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Cherith Baldry / Erin Hunter, writer - Warrior Cats - at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Cherith Baldry / Erin Hunter, writer - Warrior Cats - at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Florian Schroeder, german comedian, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Santiago Ziesmer, voice actor, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Rafik Schami, syrian-german writer, Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Katie Melua, singer, Handover Ceremony: France 2017 - Georgia 2018 at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Katie Melua, singer, Handover Ceremony: France 2017 - Georgia 2018 at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Katie Melua, singer, Handover Ceremony: France 2017 - Georgia 2018 at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017
Katie Melua, singer, Handover Ceremony: France 2017 - Georgia 2018 at Frankfurt Bookfair / Buchmesse Frankfurt 2017